Red Rose Foundation
Recent update
April, 2023
Some recent Australian research has highlighted the need for adequate clinical supervision and targeted training for facilitators of men’s domestic violence intervention programs (December 2022: Volume 6, Issue 4 | Psychreg Journal of Psychology ). We need to ensure that our workers are prepared, supported, and ready to meet the challenges they face. These are the very needs that Sicura hopes to meet. We aim to support facilitators, advocates and other DFV professionals in their practice and professional safety and well-being, ultimately for the safety of victim/survivors, and for accountability and rehabilitation of offenders.
So, we are very excited to launch our calendar of training and events for 2023. Please visit our 'Upcoming Training' page on the SICURA website to explore this year’s training for professionals who work or wish to work in the domestic violence response and intervention sector. You can express your interest or even sign up for the training now. Should you seek further information please find the contact details below. You will notice that supervision of professionals and programmes is offered also. This may take the form of group or individual supervision. Please explore the options on the website.
Please note, our Safe Accountable Facilitator Education Program (S.A.F.E.), which is 25 hours of training to prepare and refresh those who work or wish to work with men’s domestic violence intervention groups is available upon request.
In this three-part video series, Dr Ron Frey and Dr Brian Sullivan explore a practitioner’s perspective on men’s use of violence.
Recent events
Aug, 2023
Dr Brian Sullivan features on the podcast 'There's No Place Like Home' by Future Women to discuss jealousy that manifests in forms of abuse.


Feb, 2023
Brian Sullivan Excited to be involved in new QPS domestic violence training with QPS DV specialist officers
Nov, 2022
Brian Sullivan quoted in the new companion report by the Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to domestic and family violence

www.qpsdfvinquiry.qld.gov.au (p.10)

Nov 24, 2022
Brian Sullivan Guest Speaker at the
WLSQ Legal Profession Breakfast
Brian shared his knowledge and expertise at the recent Legal Profession Breakfast to better the understanding of the micro and macro impacts of DFV prevention.

Nov 15, 2022
Brian Sullivan Training the Red Rose Foundation: High Risk Training
